

tai chi
qi gong


Dates & registration
The call of the wild – drums for the senses
"The Call of the Wild" - a drum journey June 9, 2024 12:00 - approx. 4:00 p.m Shamanic percussion in the Frankfurt city forest
Customer Voices
Thank you so much for the two days spent with you! Natalia had warned us – addictive potential! But you gave me much more than this “addiction”… The word addiction suggests a craving for something you are looking for, like the search that lead me to you. And I found it here. Be it the (re-) connecting with the earth, with a sense of a hidden talent within me that wanted out, the creative expression, the being. I could experience being a child a bit – whether it was at times happily playing in the mud, or also experiencing something new, innocent and unaffected with exactly that quality of joy that kids have when they succeed at something (or fail and start again…) and so, in this regard, you, Natalia, were right again – even if I think that not only does time stand still and you don’t age when you are in this flow, but rather that time “leaps” and one departs from your place rejuvenated.