Ceramic Intensive

09. October 2021
10. October 2021

Duration: 8 hours in 2 days
Participants: 4 to 8 persons
No previous knowledge required.

Price: 115 Euro plus cost of material as used and cost for 1 firing in cash on site.

The participants of the current week courses will receive a 15 Euro discount.

  • On the first day, we allow the pieces to materialize and develop by free modelling or throwing on the wheel.

  • The second day is intended for the completion of the pieces in 3 hours, turning off from the wheel, coloring, decorating with slip.

  • Afterwards, the pieces will be dried, fired and picked up between 6 and 8 p.m.

Modelling with skilled assistance in the execution of own ideas and forms.

Understanding of free modelling with clay and the different construction techniques.

Developing manual skills and 3-dimensional visualization in spatial perception.

Gathering new experiences, switching off from the daily routine and centering yourself in the creative process.

We jointly develop a scheme for your project and realize it under guidance. Or you can experiment with construction-, modelling-, and decorating techniques based on selected vessel forms.

Throwing on the potter’s wheel

Experience the “flow” – that wonderful feeling of being one with the material and the growing movement on the potter’s wheel.

Trying out the potter’s craft, finding an inner balance doing pottery by allowing the work with the material clay to let you come to rest and center yourself. Once you have found this inner balance, the turning movement of the clay on the wheel will gradually become easier.


The event is fully booked.